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64. Child of the Power of the Waters, Lord of the Triumph of Light. / ח / Cancer(“Book T”)

“Tabulated Rules”

Triumph. Victory. Health. Success though sometimes not stable and enduring.


Succour, providence also war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble.

(Reverse) Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.

“A Manual of Cartomancy”

I. World of Human Prudence
Triumph of reason ; success in natural things ; the right prevailing ; also predominance, conquest, and all external correspondences of these.
II. World of Conformity
Reason exalted in religion ; victory of the moral faculties ; apotheosis of the logical understanding in faith ; first conquest of the natural man.
III. World of Attainment
The triune man, having consciousness in his three worlds ; the living symbol of the invisible God ; he that overcometh.

“The Quest of the Golden Stairs”

Prince Starbeam—the violet void, quest, escape, triumph, travel, long journey, beginnings, “he saw the path no longer, but its thorns only” (Quest, 78).

“Steps to the Crown”

“To yield and to die, such is the average lot of humanity; to die rather than yield, such is the election of heroes; neither to yield nor die, such is the victory of the soul.


【凱旋】 【フラワシ】 【コマ】 【八芒星】 【六芒星】 【五芒星】 【四角】 【】 【ユリム(潔白)】 【サミム(有罪)】 【スフィンクス】 【尻尾】 【白黒】 【】 【】 【月桂冠】 【武装】 【バトン】 【】 【車輪】 【黄色】 【】 【真正面

👉 ラベル:戦車

“The Tarot Trumps”

Here we have a symbol of the spirit of man controlling the lower principles, soul and body, and thus passing triumphantly through the astral plane, rising above the clouds of illusion and penetrating to the higher spheres.
The colours amber, silver-grey, blue-grey, and the deep blue violet of the night sky elucidate this symbol. It is the sublimation of the Psyche.


An erect and princely figure carrying a drawn sword (there is inconsistency between A. E. Waite's design and P. C. Smith's work) and corresponding, broadly speaking, to the traditional description which I have given in the first part (of “The Pictorial Key to the Tarot”). On the shoulders of the victorious hero are supposed to be the Urim (innocent) and Thummim (guilty). He has led captivity captive (Psalm 68:18, Judges 5:12 and etc.); he is conquest on all planes—in the mind, in science, in progress, in certain trials of initiation. He has thus replied to the sphinx, and it is on this account that I have accepted the variation of Éliphas Lévi; two sphinxes thus draw his chariot. He is above all things triumph in the mind.

It is to be understood for this reason (a) that the question of the sphinx is concerned with a Mystery of Nature and not of the world of Grace, to which the charioteer could offer no answer; (b) that the planes of his conquest are manifest or external and not within himself; (c) that the liberation which he effects may leave himself in the bondage of the logical understanding; (d) that the tests of initiation through which he has passed in triumph are to be understood physically or rationally; and (e) that if he came to the pillars of that Temple between which the High Priestess is seated, he could not open the scroll called Tora, nor if she questioned him could he answer. He is not hereditary royalty and he is not priesthood.



2020 年 9 月自民党次期総裁選

先月 28 日に安倍総理辞任表明があったので、来年 10 月までの残りの任期を引き継ぐ自民党の次期総裁について占ってみました。 菅義偉 官房長官「杖の6」←「隠者」 岸田文雄 政調会長「盃の王」←「剣の6」 石破茂 元幹事長「貨の5」→「貨の6」 という展開となりました。 石破氏が次期総裁になる可能性はまず少ないと思います。かなり不利な情勢のように見受けられます。 なので残る、菅氏か岸田氏のどちらかということになりますが、次期総裁の有力候補としては安倍さんの病による辞任がなければもともとは岸田氏なのだと思いますが、菅氏が任期引き継ぎの総裁となるのだと思いました。 絵で読み解いてみると、菅氏(杖の 6)が安倍総理(隠者)から月桂冠(リーダーシップ)を一旦(馬上で)受け取っている。(馬のベールに隠れているのは菅政権の後継として一年後の総裁選で本命の河野太郎氏?) 岸田氏(盃の王)は安倍さんが無事に任期を満了していれば有力な後継者だったところが、イレギュラーな事件(安倍さんの任期を残した辞任)によりチャンスを逃した(剣の6(逆))。 石破氏(貨の 5)はそもそも蚊帳の外で、全国の自民党員の人気は別として、主流派(国会議員)からは実質的に相手にされていないようです。