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73. Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty. / פ / Mars(“Book T”)

“Tabulated Rules”

Ambition, fighting, war, courage. Compare wdth Emperor. In certain combinations, destruction, danger, fall, ruin.


Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin. It is a card in particular of unforeseen catastrophe.

(Reverse) According to one account, the same in a lesser degree also oppression, imprisonment, tyranny.

“A Manual of Cartomancy”

I. World of Human Prudence
Destruction, confusion, judgment ; also the idea of Divine Wrath.
II. World of Conformity
The Fall, and here especially the fall from Grace ; also judgment on sin ; the ruin of the house of life, when evil has prevailed therein ; but the symbolism is that of a Divine act or consequence, and the power which destroys the Temple of God can rebuild it in three mystical days.
III. World of Attainment
The rending of the House of Doctrine in the heart of the individual ; final impenitence.

“The Quest of the Golden Stairs”

The Dream Tower—loss, companionship, fear, time, liberation: “Go to the Dream Tower, which is not reached by him who fares alone. Seek therefore first for one who waits thy coming” (Quest, 144).

“Steps to the Crown”

It is said that most things are not appreciated till they are lost; the world is the great exception; it is always well lost, as we do not fitly appreciate its emptiness until we have given it up.


】 【黒色】 【稲妻】 【火事】 【落ちる】 【】 【隣に人がいる】 【二人】 【赤色】 【青色

👉 ラベル:

“The Tarot Trumps”

As always red remains persistent throughout the four planes, although modified in tone. Thus we find vivid scarlet shading into deep sombre red and vermillion shot with amber. The contrasting shades of green serve to throw the red into relief. The tremendous destructive influence of the lightning, rending asunder established forms to make way for new forms to emerge, revolution as distinguished from transmutation or sublimation, the destructive as opposed to the conservative, energy attacking inertia, the impetuous ejection of those who would enclose themselves in the walls of ease and tradition.


Occult explanations attached to this card are meagre and mostly disconcerting. It is idle to indicate that it depicts ruin in all its aspects, because it bears this evidence on the surface. It is said further that it contains the first allusion to a material building, but I do not conceive that the Tower is more or less material than the pillars which we have met with in three previous cases (The High Priestess, the Hierophant and Justice). I see nothing to warrant Papus in supposing that it is literally the fall of Adam, but there is more in favour of his alternative—that it signifies the materialization of the spiritual word. The bibliographer Christian imagines that it is the downfall of the mind, seeking to penetrate the mystery of God. I agree rather with Grand Orient (it is actually a fictitious name of A. E. Waite himself) that it is the ruin of the House of We, when evil has prevailed therein, and above all that it is the rending of a House of Doctrine. I understand that the reference is, however, to a House of Falsehood. It illustrates also in the most comprehensive way the old truth that "except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it."

There is a sense in which the catastrophe is a reflection from the previous card (The Devil), but not on the side of the symbolism which I have tried to indicate therein. It is more correctly a question of analogy; one (The Devil) is concerned with the fall into the material and animal state, while the other (The Tower) signifies destruction on the intellectual side. The Tower has been spoken of as the chastisement of pride and the intellect overwhelmed in the attempt to penetrate the Mystery of God; but in neither case (The Devil nor the Tower) do these explanations account for the two persons who are the living sufferers. The one is the literal word made void and the other its false interpretation. In yet a deeper sense, it may signify also the end of a dispensation, but there is no possibility here for the consideration of this involved question.



逃げ出した巨大ヘビ - アミメニシキヘビの行方

5 月 6 日、横浜市の個人が飼っていた体長 3.5m のアミメニシキヘビが飼い主の家から逃走したということについて、 盃の女王 の逆位置が出た。 岬の見える砂浜で玉座に座った女性が熱心に豪華な 盃 を見つめている。 豪華な盃は巨大なアミメニシキヘビを、女性は飼い主を、それぞれ表しているようである。 飼い主が人様の迷惑にならないようにと必死でヘビを探している様子が、 盃 を熱心に見つめている姿に現れている。 ヘビはどこかの川縁か海辺か、いずれにしても水辺にいるのは間違いなさそうである。しかし、逆位置であることを考えると、下水や排水溝に落ちてしまったのかもしれない。 追記:5 月 21 日の夕方に発見されないまま捜索打ち切りとなったが、翌 22 日に専門家によって 飼育されていた部屋の屋根裏にいたのが発見された 。 よく観察すれば玉座の背後の頭上(ヘッドレスト)にナーガ(ヘビ)がおり、天上裏にいたということが分かる。 そして逆位置であったことは、飼い主をはじめとする人々(女王)が間違った方向(水辺)を探しているということを示していたのだろう。 もしくは、警察が一度捜査したが、ちゃんと探せていなかったということも、逆位置に表われていたと見ることができるのかもしれない。 今回のリーディングは失敗したが、カード自体は結局妥当なものだったので、一つの良い勉強になった。今後もこのような試みができる機会があれば、続けていきたいと思う。