66. The Magus of the Voice of Light, The Prophet of the Gods. / י / Virgo(“Book T”)
“Tabulated Rules”
Wisdom sought for and obtained from above. Divine Inspiration (but active as opposed to that of the Lovers). In the mystical titles, this with the Hierophant and the Magician are the 3 Magi.
Prudence, circumspection; also and especially treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption.
(Reverse) Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.
“A Manual of Cartomancy”
“The Quest of the Golden Stairs”
The Wise Master—travel, mysteries, speech, awakening, clarity: “That which remains is yours and devolves on you” (Quest, 61).
“Steps to the Crown”
There are two things which no tongue can express fully—the solitude in which intellectual recollection is found, and the void which is social life.
【隠者】 【放浪者】 【ギリシアの四徳】 【夜】 【ランタン】【手招き】 【六芒星】 【高僧】 【髭】 【うつむく】 【左向き】 【フード】 【杖】 【雪山】 【高所】
👉 ラベル:隠者
“The Tarot Trumps”
These three trumps should be collated in studying them for they represent the three stages of initiation. The man wrapped in hood and mantle, and carrying a lantern to illuminate the Path and a staff to support his footsteps, He is the eternal seeker, the Pilgrim soul. His hood and mantle are the brown of earth, and above him is the night-sky. But the delicate yellow-greens and bluish greens of spring are about him, and spring is in his heart.
The variation from the conventional models in this card is only that the lamp is not enveloped partially in the mantle of its bearer, who blends the idea of the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9) with the Light of the World (John 8:12). It is a star which shines in the lantern. I have said that this is a card of attainment, and to extend this conception the figure is seen holding up his beacon on an eminence. Therefore the Hermit is not, as Court de Gébelin explained, a wise man in search of truth and justice; nor is he, as a later explanation proposes, an especial example of experience. His beacon intimates that “where I am, you also may be.”
It is further a card which is understood quite incorrectly when it is connected with the idea of occult isolation, as the protection of personal magnetism against admixture. This is one of the frivolous renderings which we owe to Éliphas Lévi. It has been adopted by the French Order of Martinism and some of us have heard a great deal of the Silent and Unknown Philosophy enveloped by his mantle from the knowledge of the profane. In true Martinism, the significance of the term Philosophe inconnu (= Unknown Philosopher: the pen name of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin) was of another order. It did not refer to the intended concealment of the Instituted Mysteries (= Saint-Martin's true Martinism), much less of their substitutes (= Papus's modern Martinism), but—like the card itself—to the truth that the Divine Mysteries secure their own protection from those who are unprepared.