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68. Daughter of the Lord of Truth, The Holder of the Blances. / ל / Libra(“Book T”)

“Tabulated Rules”

Eternal Justice and Balance. Strength and Force, but arrested as in the act of Judgment. Compare with 1 1 — Fortitude. Also in combination with other cards, legal proceedings, a court of law, a trial at law, etc.


Equity, rightness, probity, executive; triumph of the deserving side in law.

(Reverse) Law in all its departments, legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity.

“A Manual of Cartomancy”

I. World of Human Prudence
Equilibrium on the mental side rather than the sensuous, for which see No. 6 ; under certain circumstances, law and its decisions ; also occult science.
II. World of Conformity
The power which makes the best of both worlds ; middle path ; lesser salvation ; balance between good and evil ; goodness, but not raised above the sphere of temptation.
III. World of Attainment
Higher grades of the narrow path ; equilibrium on the spiritual side ; greater salvation ; the perfect life.

“The Quest of the Golden Stairs”

The Court of Stars—majesty, power, threshold, records, honour, truth, certainty, debate, mandate, measure: “The law over trifles in Faerie is perchance a law of silence” (Quest, 99).

“Steps to the Crown”

Even necessity itself is subject to the law, however much it may disown it.


アストライアー】 【アンドロギュノス】 【ギリシアの四徳】 【天秤】 【死者の書】 【ヴェール】 【】 【ボブヘア】 【黄色】 【】 【イス】 【】 【四角】 【真正面】 【赤色

👉 ラベル:正義

“The Tarot Trumps”

Nephthys, the third aspect of Luna, the twin sister of Isis. Justice as distinguished from love. Her emblems are the Sword and the Scales. Like her ssiter, she is clothed in green, but in a sharper colder green than the pure emerald of Isis. Her subsidiary colours are blue, blue-green, pale green. It is only by utilising the flashing colours that we can find the hidden warmth and steadfastness.


As this card (of Waite-Smith deck) follows the traditional symbolism and carries above all its obvious meanings, there is little to say regarding it outside the few considerations (that the figure is Astræa, the Greek goddess of justice) collected in the first part (of “The Pictorial Key to the Tarot”), to which the reader is referred.

It will be seen, however, that the figure is seated between pillars, like the High Priestess, and on this account it seems desirable to indicate that the moral principle (which is signified by Justice) which deals unto every man according to his works— while, of course, it is in strict analogy with higher things;—differs in its essence from the spiritual justice (which is signified by the High Priestess) which is involved in the idea of election. The latter (the spiritual justice) belongs to a mysterious order of Providence, in virtue of which it is possible for certain men to conceive the idea of dedication to the highest things. The operation of this (a miracle) is like the breathing of the Spirit where it wills, and we have no canon of criticism or ground of explanation concerning it. It is analogous to the possession of the fairy gifts and the high gifts and the gracious gifts of the poet: we have them or have not, and their presence is as much a mystery as their absence. The law of Justice is not however involved by either alternative (uneveness of spiritual justice). In conclusion, the pillars of Justice open into one world and the pillars of the High Priestess into another.



2020 年 9 月自民党次期総裁選

先月 28 日に安倍総理辞任表明があったので、来年 10 月までの残りの任期を引き継ぐ自民党の次期総裁について占ってみました。 菅義偉 官房長官「杖の6」←「隠者」 岸田文雄 政調会長「盃の王」←「剣の6」 石破茂 元幹事長「貨の5」→「貨の6」 という展開となりました。 石破氏が次期総裁になる可能性はまず少ないと思います。かなり不利な情勢のように見受けられます。 なので残る、菅氏か岸田氏のどちらかということになりますが、次期総裁の有力候補としては安倍さんの病による辞任がなければもともとは岸田氏なのだと思いますが、菅氏が任期引き継ぎの総裁となるのだと思いました。 絵で読み解いてみると、菅氏(杖の 6)が安倍総理(隠者)から月桂冠(リーダーシップ)を一旦(馬上で)受け取っている。(馬のベールに隠れているのは菅政権の後継として一年後の総裁選で本命の河野太郎氏?) 岸田氏(盃の王)は安倍さんが無事に任期を満了していれば有力な後継者だったところが、イレギュラーな事件(安倍さんの任期を残した辞任)によりチャンスを逃した(剣の6(逆))。 石破氏(貨の 5)はそもそも蚊帳の外で、全国の自民党員の人気は別として、主流派(国会議員)からは実質的に相手にされていないようです。