Venus in Scorpio, 20°──30°
32. Lord of Illusionary Success.
“Book T”
The Seven of Cups are thus arranged: A hand as usual holds the lotus stems which arise from the central lower cup. The hand is above this cup and below the middle one. With the exception of the central
lower cup, each is overhung by a lotus flower, but no water falls from them into cups which are quite empty. Above and below are the symbols of the decanate, Venus and Scorpio.
Possibly victory, but neutralized by the supineness of the person. Illusionary success. Deception in the moment of apparent victory. Lying error, promises unfulfilled. Drunkenness, wrath, vanity, lust, fornication, violence against women. Selfish dissipation. Deception in love and friendship. Often success gained, but not followed up. Modified by dignity.
Netzach of Heh. (Lying. Promises unfulfilled. Illusion. Error. Deception, slight success at outset, but want of energy to retain it.) Therein rules Melchel and Chahaviah.
Strange chalices of vision, but the images are more especially those of the fantastic spirit (= Holy Spirit).
Fairy favours, images of reflection, sentiment, imagination, things seen in the glass of contemplation; some attainment in these degrees, but nothing permanent or substantial is suggested.
Fair child; idea, design, resolve, movement.
(Reverse) Desire, will, determination, project.
Success, if accompanied by the Three of Cups.
【盃】 【 7 】 【錬金術】 【雲】 【青空】 【影】 【ヴェール】 【アクセサリー】 【サラマンダー】 【蛇】 【城】 【月桂冠】 【しゃれこうべ】
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